Spletni seminar
From Victimhood to Inner Hero
Vodi: Janja Urbančič
Gost: Christian de la Huerta, duhovni vodja, predavatelj in avtor večih knjig s področja osebne rasti
- What is Ego and how does Ego effect our lives?
- How do we give away our power and what is the cost for that? Why and how are we in the state of victim?
- How do we deal with our fears?
- What does soulful power mean to you? What is real inner power and how do we abuse power in daily life? What does a healthy masculine power look like?
- Does everybody have Inner Hero and how do we tap into that state of mind? What does heroism mean to you?
- Why did you write the book Awakening the Soul of Power? You write that this book is for everyone but has a particular message for women. Why is that?
- What are the next steps people can take on their journey of empowerment? Any practices you recommend?
Seminar bo potekal v angleščini brez prevoda.
Datum spletnega seminarja: Petek, 12.2.2021 ob 20.30
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